Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Reindeer on the Roof for just $4.97: Put away for next year!

Have you seen Reindeer on the Roof?

Kind of Elf on the Shelf with a twist.  He stays in his barn all day long and then the kids write a letter to Santa and attach it to his saddle and place him on the roof of the barn.  Each night he leaves and flies to the North Pole to deliver the letter to Santa and each morning he flies back and places himself back in the barn.

Cute, right?

Well, yesterday we braved the crazy cold temperatures (as we were stuck inside for 3 days and needed some time out) and my daughter saw this and was super excited.

Well, they are clearanced out at 75% off, so $4.97 and there were TONS left on an endcap at the WalMart off K7.  

We are sending our reindeer off tonight back to the North Pole.

Walmart IHTM Christmas Deals

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